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Who We Are

The Company of St. Ursula

The Company of St. Ursula in the United States was born in the year 2000.

Drawn by a deep inner call, we give ourselves to God by a firm and life-long commitment of celibate chastity, poverty, and obedience. We devote ourselves to:

Drawn by a deep inner call, we give ourselves to God

  • Jesus Christ at our center,
  • deep prayer,
  • Gospel values,
  • a contemplative quest to find God everywhere and reflect Christ to others,
  • regular gatherings for sisterly support in our vocation,
  • participation as lay Catholics in the Church’s life,
  • peace-making and justice-building in personal relationships and in society,
  • supporting ourselves as single persons in our chosen occupations and residences.


Founded by St. Angela Merici in 1535, the Company is a secular institute, a form of consecrated life in the Catholic Church.

Let them have Jesus Christ for their only treasure, for there also will be love.