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In Memoriam

Jacqueline Morin


In courageous response to God’s call, Jacqueline Morin planted the Company of St.
Ursula of Canada in 1967. Born into a devout family, she developed a deep spiritual sensitivity. She made her First Communion at the age of four.

At 23 she entered the Ursulines of Rimouski, a teaching community. She was “Our favorite teacher of art and English,” according to a former student. The Second Vatican Council’s call to return to the sources inspired her to seek out the cradle of Ursuline life. Discerning, urgent and persevering, in 1965 she received permission to travel to Brescia, where she transferred to the Company of St. Ursula.

Back in Canada, Jacqueline began to welcome women into the Company while teaching. Her vision stretched around the world, and her warm heart embraced an ever-expanding spiritual family, reaching to Toronto, the United States and the Philippines.

She fostered connections among Ursulines in the Order and the Companies, Associates, and Friends. She served on the Federation Council and developed formation materials, including several volumes of her spiritual essays. Jacqueline Morin died in Quebec on June 5, 2017, “in a great calm,” two weeks after celebrating the Company’s 50th anniversary.

“Rich in human feeling…fresh, bubbly…” (from Brescia). “A woman on fire with her love for Christ! Her dynamism and spirit will leave an enduring mark on the history of the Church in Quebec” (Rev. Marcel Caron, President, Canadian Conference of Secular Institutes). Jacqueline opened the path of secular consecration as daughters of St. Angela Merici in North America. She kept her eyes upon Christ, with whom she is now united in “celestial glory” (St. Angela).

Kathleen Hallinan 11-25-00 B

Kathleen Hallinan


Kathleen Hallinan was central to the Company’s presence in the United States. Born in San Francisco as the daughter of Irish immigrants, she was taught by Ursuline sisters of the Roman Union and joined them in 1965. She brought her questioning mind and a Master’s degree in Religious Studies to teaching religion.

In the early 1980s she studied spiritual direction at the Jesuit Spirituality Center in Milford, Ohio, then served as a spiritual director and retreat leader in spirituality centers in Montana. The wide-open spaces, dramatic landscapes, and lay leadership in the Church exhilarated her. Those who experienced her insight and skill in spiritual direction remained devoted to her throughout her life.

A call to the original form of Ursuline life led her out of religious life in 1988. Back inSan Francisco, she earned a degree in social work and served troubled youth, continuing to understand herself as a spouse of Christ and a daughter of Angela. By God’s Providence, she and Mary-Cabrini Durkin met in 1999. On November 25, 2000, they renewed their commitment to Christ in a newly planted Company of St. Ursula and joined the Company of Canada in 2006.

Kathleen’s heart was fastened on Christ and sensitive to God’s word in sacred Scripture.
Her gift of discernment gave clarity to our beginnings in this country. Her insights laid a firm foundation. Her ardor gave it warmth. She suffered a stroke and other afflictions. On the feast of St. Angela 2008, Kathleen made her consecration during a Mass in her home. She looked forward with joyful anticipation to “going home,” to meeting her divine Bridegroom, her parents, and St. Angela. Two days before her death, she received Communion for the last time. Listening to St. Angela’s encouraging words about heaven, Kathleen smiled and nodded. On February 19, 2008, Kathleen quietly went “home.”


Liliane Dozois


Liliane Dozois was the first to join the young Company in the United States in 2008, after its affiliation with Canada.  Her birth on August 5, feast of Our Lady of the Snows, rooted her life-long devotion to Mary in the ancient origins of the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome. She celebrated one of her last birthdays in this beloved site. 

In a Franco-American family and community in Lewiston, Maine, she spoke French as her first language. She entered the Ursulines of the Roman Union and taught mathematics for many years. After her departure from religious life, Liliane established her own book-keeping business, utilizing her skills in the world of numbers. She entered the Company of St. Ursula of Canada in 2005.

Her deep love for Christ and for St. Angela linked the vocational chapters of her life. She had a deep contemplative spirit, nourished by her devotion to St. Marie of the Incarnation Guyart, mystic and pioneer Ursuline in Quebec. 

Liliane lived in Massachusetts, Minnesota and Missouri before returning to Lewiston to be close to her beloved family. She volunteered in a hospital and sang in the parish choir. Her dedication to prayer and service never wavered.

She served as the treasurer of the United States Conference of Secular Institutes and of three North American Ursuline Convocations. Liliane died on December 7, 2021.

Rita Bolduc


Rita Bolduc gave herself generously in her family (one of nine children in Lac St-Jean,
Canada) and community. She married Lucien Gagné and bore three sons. After being widowed, Rita joined the Company of Canada, where her sister Thérèse was among the earliest members. She brought to the Company her openness to others and her
delightful humor. She was a lively story-teller who never failed to call forth laughter.
Despite ill health in her later years, Rita remained cheerful and gracious until her death on June 9, 2021.

Berthe St-Pierre


Berthe St-Pierre had been an Ursuline religious in Rimouski, Canada, a companion of Jacqueline Morin. She joined the Company in 1969, only two years after its foundation. Jacqueline described their mutual “great joy and source of encouragement” in this new companionship.

In her last years, Berthe lived in a care-setting in Rimouski, with Ursuline sisters of her former community. Even at an advanced age she had a clear mind and a lively interest in the development of the Company, following the newest members and the news from the United States with prayer. She died on August 18, 2018, in her 100th year.