Company of St. Ursula Convocation

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We’re the Company of St. Ursula, the Group in the United States. You probably know that St. Angela Merici founded us in 1535.
Like St. Angela, we live our consecration as lay women in the world, dedicated for life to Christ, our Spouse.
Like her, we respond to Christ’s love for us by carrying His love and spreading His Good News in our secular environments: on the job and in our families, neighborhoods and parishes. Ours is a lay vocation: lay and consecrated: teacher, veterinary tech, social worker, nurse… committed to practice the Evangelical Counsels of poverty, consecrated celibacy, and obedience.
By now, the Company exists on every continent. A Federation links the many Companies:
In the United States, you can find us in Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Nebraska and Texas. We in the US are affiliated with the Company of St. Ursula of Canada, with its headquarters in Quebec. The Company of Toronto reaches to Saskatchewan: Please get to know us better by checking out the links and other information on this page.
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We are part of the Federation. Check it out here.
Our Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage Video
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Greetings from the Federation
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