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Are you seeking something more?
Are you seeking a spiritual path through our world?
Are you eager for connections with like-minded women?

The Company of St. Ursula in the United States invites you to make a Gospel difference in our world in a spiritual companionship and way of life shaped by a woman, Angela Merici.

A Message from Our Foundress

Act, get moving, believe, exert yourself, hope, cry out to God with all your heart; you will surely see marvels!

How May We Help You?

Are you feeling a deep inner tug to give your life to God? Would you like to chat with someone about vocational discernment? Let’s strike up a conversation. Contact us.

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Our Stories

Lucky in Love

As a young woman I tried to do everything my way. Eventually, I decided to try Jesus. The Company of St. Ursula has been the perfect home for me because the Rule of St. Angela is a pathway to union with God and to other creatures.

It all started…

…the day of my First Communion. The priest said, “Jesus is forever in your heart. Talk to him, request everything you need, and he will help you to develop how to love him.” Jesus granted me grace to love him and his Church. This grace led me into the Company.

A Tug at My Heart

Since college I've desired to give myself fully to Christ in response to His total gift of Himself for love of me. I discerned that God is calling me to live out that desire in the Company of St. Ursula, drawn by the lives of Sts. Angela and Ursula, the sense of sisterhood, and its gentle spirituality.